MultiLA software platform

Welcome to the documentation for the MultiLA software platform. This platform allows you to create web-based, interactive learning applications and track the user interactions with them for learning analytics.

This software platform was developed as part of the IFAF MultiLA project at the HTW Berlin and HWR Berlin.

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Main features

  • create interactive learning applications via RMarkdown notation or as standard Shiny applications using the R package learnrextra (an extension to the popular learnr R package)

  • highly granular, configurable and anonymous tracking of user interactions with the learning applications: mouse movements, clicks, exercise submissions, etc.

  • support for A/B-testing experiments and integrated surveys

  • configurable learning applications: write base applications once, create variants via configurations

  • dynamic summaries for learning applications

  • web-based administration interface for publishing learning applications, setting up variants and experiments and downloading collected data

  • data preparation and analysis scripts to get started with learning analytics for the collected data

  • own your data – self-hosted open-source solution to run in a Docker environment and an R shiny server

Live examples and screenshots

An example learning application is available at There is no demo of the administration interface publicly available. However, screenshots of the administration interface are among the following images:

Besides the learning application about Bayes’ theorem, we also published learning applications about discrete and continuous probability distributions. These are however only available in German.

Structure of the documentation

This documentation is divided into several chapters for different target audiences.

Table of contents

Based on open-source projects

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