Codebook for MultiLA prepared tracking data

The prepared data will be stored under


in the TrackingDataScripts project. It contains a dataframe of tracked events with the following variables:

  • user_app_sess_code: user application session code (session code for an individual anonymous or registered user interacting with a specific application session) – factor

  • user_app_sess_user_id: user ID for registered users; no further data on individual users is provided in this dataset – integer for registered users or NA for anonymous users

  • track_sess_id: tracking session ID (ID indicating a continuous interaction of a user with the application session on a single device) – integer

  • track_sess_start: start of the tracking session (first visit of a user on this device for this application session) – POSIXct time

  • track_sess_end: end of the tracking session (user closes the browser window of logs out) – POSIXct time

  • user_agent: “user agent”” string from the browser – character string

  • client_ip: client IP address (if it could be determined)

  • form_factor: factor; "desktop", "tablet" or "phone"

  • initial_win_width: initial client browser window width; numeric

  • initial_win_height: initial client browser window height; numeric

  • initial_contentview_width: initial content view width; numeric

  • initial_contentview_height: initial content view height; numeric

  • initial_contentscroll_width: initial content scroll area width; numeric

  • initial_contentscroll_height: initial content scroll area height; numeric

  • event_time: time the event took place; POSIXct time with millisecond accuracy

  • type: event type; factor; one of the following:

    • chapter: change to another chapter

    • click: mouse click or touch at X = coord1, Y = coord2

    • contentscroll: scroll within the main content panel by coord1 pixels in horizontal direction (usually 0) and coord2 pixels in vertical direction

    • ex_result: code exercise result after evaluation with details in value

    • ex_submit: code exercise submission with details in value

    • input: key input for a text or numerical input field with details in value

    • input_change: changed input value for a slider with details in value

    • mouse: mouse movement to X = coord1, Y = coord2

    • question_submit: quiz question submission and result with details in value; multiple answers are formatted there as [answer1, answer2, ... answern]

    • scroll: scroll of the whole website (not the main content panel) by coord1 pixels in horizontal direction (usually 0) and coord2 pixels in vertical direction; this should only happen when the browser window is very small; in most cases contentscroll is what you need instead;

    • summary_shown: dynamic summary panel is presented for the first time

    • summary_topic_added: content was added to the dynamic summary panel with the content ID in value

    • visibility_change: visibility status in value; either “hidden” when the browser window with the application is completely occluded, minimized or invisible, else “visible”

  • chapter_index: content chapter index; integer

  • chapter_id: content chapter ID label; factor

  • ex_label: question or exercise label; factor

  • ex_id: question or exercise ID; character string

  • ex_event: learnr code exercise event type; character string ("result" or "submitted")

  • ex_output: learnr code exercise R output; character string

  • ex_correct: learnr code exercise result assessment – correct or uncorrect; logical

  • xpath: XPath to HTML element related to the event (if any); character string

  • css: CSS selector to HTML element related to the event (if any); character string

  • value: value related to the event; see type; character string

  • coord1: X coordinate for spatial events like mouse moves or clicks; numeric

  • coord2: Y coordinate for spatial events like mouse moves or clicks; numeric

  • win_width: current client browser window width at the time when the event occurred; numeric

  • win_height: current client browser window height at the time when the event occurred; numeric

  • contentview_width: current content view width at the time when the event occurred; numeric

  • contentview_height: current content view height at the time when the event occurred; numeric

  • win_scroll_x: current client browser window scroll X position; numeric

  • win_scroll_y: current client browser window scroll Y position; numeric

  • content_scroll_x: current content area scroll X position; numeric

  • content_scroll_y: current content area scroll Y position; numeric